Agent Finder Service

Let us help find you the perfect literary agent


We offer a very popular agent finder service targeting the best agents for your work. We will read your work and research which would be the most appropriate agents or publishers to send it to. Not only do our editors know the process from their own experience, they also study trends and who is buying what at any particular time.

We will customise your package and send out your query package for you: this will include a query letter – and a synopsis if required by the agent – for fiction, and a professional proposal for non-fiction.

We will also proofread your first three chapters, required by most agents, to ensure there is nothing that would put off an agent or publisher.

The Oxford Editor’s team will send your query package to the literary agents or we can prepare it for you to send directly. Where we have a personal relationship with the agent or publisher we would send the package directly to them.

There are no guarantees, and many factors go into the agents’ choice of which authors to take on. However, a well-written, market-aware package will ensure you don’t lose out by making basic mistakes and also allow you to stand out from the rest of the submissions.

Hopefully, the first agent or publisher that we approach will be the one who takes you on, but we will keep going for at least six-months. – we will take into account the time it takes for agents to write back, so six months is a guide and sometimes it will take longer.

If we give an agent exclusivity for a certain period, then the clock stops until we get a reply or start sending out again.

 We charge £950 for six months and £1,900 for a year for this service.



Our Fees and How to Submit:


Please click here to go to our fees page.

If the book is true, it will find an audience that is meant to read it.

Wally Lamb

Terms and conditions

Please see our Terms and Conditions.

If you are in doubt please contact us through our Contact Us page or telephone us on 01865 238066/01865 358737 for more information
