
If you are in difficulties with a book, try the element of surprise: attack it at an hour when it isn’t expecting it.



If you write, we can help.

Please add name, address, phone number, email, and services needed on the first page of your manuscript.


Contact us on: Info@theoxforeditors.co.uk


Payment can be made by direct bank transfer, so please contact us for bank details.

You can also pay using a debit or credit card via our website.

Telephone: 01865 238066 or 01865 358737 or email info@theoxfordeditors.co.uk.

Manuscript Assessment/Feedback Services:


You can send your entire manuscript or send at any stage to make sure you are moving in the right direction.


Short Stories, Novellas and Shorter Manuscripts:

Up to 5,000 words £220
6,000 words £230
7,000 words £240
8,000 words £250
9,000 words £260
10,000 words £270


Full Length Manuscripts:

20,000 words £320
30,000 words £370
40,000 words £420
50,000 words £470
60,000 words £520
70,000 words £570
80,000 words £620
90,000 words £770
100,000 words £820



For longer manuscripts please contact us first.

For our EXPRESS one to two week service please double the fees. For three to four weeks we may sometimes need to add 50% to the fee, depending on length.


If you want to add on a 1-hour Zoom session to discuss the best way forward, it’s £150 for the frst hour and an extra £50 for each session after that. If you need more we can discount block bookings.

Fees falling between word-count prices above are charged at £5 per extra 1,000 words up to 5,000 words and then they will be charged as the next band up.

Some editors will charge for a follow-up telephone conversation, but we are happy to answer all queries by email.


GOLD Assessment

It’s not easy writing a book, and even when you have really good advice from an editorial assessment, often it’s still not easy to know where to start revising your manuscript. That’s where a more detailed mentor report makes all the difference; one that will direct you precisely to the problem areas in your manuscript and tell you how to fix them – as if you had a bestselling writer looking over your shoulder all the way.

Our gold mentorship includes:

  • Our gold mentorship includes:
    • Comments noted directly on your manuscript if needed, highlighting problem areas, and relating them back to ways in which to fix them.
    • Finding and fixing plot holes, looking at hooks, pace and character-plot conflict and character development.
    • A report detailing specific issues and how to tackle them, covering plot, pace, character development, dialogue, setting, language, POV, hooks, atmosphere and the impact of  beginnings and endings. Some books will need basic principles before they are ready to get an even deeper dive.
    • An optional follow-up Zoom session with the editor, discussing the best way forward using the editorial and annotated manuscript. This will cost £50 per half hour.


Up to 50K words: £650.

Up to 70K words: £760.

Up to 100K words: £960.


Telephone consultation:

We are always ready to talk to all writers, but it can take up a lot of time and expetise. So, we will have a free 15 chat with you to answer your questions and find the right service for you. After that, there will be a fee of £50 an hour for industry information – such as how Amazon works etc.


Copy editing and proofreading:

Every manuscript is different and some require more work than others, so please contact us first for a quote. We are always happy to answer any questions. Fees for copy editing start at £19 per 1,000 words for fiction. Proofreading starts at £10 per 1,000 words.


Agent Finder Service:

If you take out our agent finder service, we will read your book, create the query or proposal package and copy edit the first three chapters. Then we research who would be the best agents or publishers for your work and send out your query package for you.

We will send to agents and/or publishers. We charge £950 for six months and £1,900 for a year for this service. There are no guarantees, but many of our clients have attracted the attention of top agents.


Book proposals (to send to agents or publishers):

Giving detailed advice on writing your proposal and help rewriting existing proposal – £350

Reading book and rewriting from existing proposal – £550

Writing your book proposal for submission to agent, publisher, or producer with full chapter synopsis – £950


One-day online course:

We are running our popular, one-day online writing course again in September 2023.

There will be something for all writers in all genres. We have a wonderful team of tutors, and the exact date and sessions will be announced in June.

The fee for the day will be £350.

Time will fly, so email info@theoxfordeditors.co.uk for details and early registration discounts of £200 in June.



We cover all academic works, but please contact us to discuss your manuscript first so we can find the perfect editor for your manuscript, paper or thesis.

We cannot write your work for you, but can edit and advise.


Developmental editing:

Up to 15,000 words £525
30,000 words £1,050
60,000 words £2,010
Each additional 1,000 words


Every book is different, so please contact us to discuss your project. The package includes copy editing, proofreading, cover design and formatting. Depending on the amount of work needed, the average fee to self-publish a book would be in the region of:

Please contact us for quotes on books under 60,000 words.

Fees depend on nature of the book, but packages start in the region of:

£3,700 for 60,000 word book.

£4,700 for an 80,000 word book.

£5,000 for a 100,000 word book.


Assessment Scripts for film and theatre:marx

Feature film length – usually 30,000 words.

Script of any length up to 30,000 words – £380.

Script of more than 30,000 words up to 60,000 words – £450.

Script of more than 60,000 words – please contact us.


Assessment Scripts for TV and Radio:

Up to 30 pages, £320.
Up to 60 pages, £420.
Up to 90 pages, £520.
Up to 110 pages, £590.


deadpoets-for-workshop-pagePlatinum Mentoring:

This is a very personal relationship and depends on your project, but you can expect to pay £350 per hour, depending on project and experience.

You can also take out a three-month mentoring arrangement for £1,900, six-months for £2,800, or a one-year mentoring arrangement for £3,800 This will involve regular meetings in person or via Skype/Zoom. 


Ghost Writing:

By arrangement.

Every book is different, but the average 60,000 word book would cost in the region of £7,500 to £25,000 to write from interviews or notes.

To expand your work starts at £2,000

To write the entire book from your original idea would start at £10,000.


Marketing for Self-published books:

 We will promote your book to print and online reviewers, broadcast media and on social media:

Marketing package £5,000 for six months. The service will include, press releases, trying to place in book stores, Twitter and Facebook campaigns, sending to newspapers, TV, radio, book bloggers and reviewers.

Call us to discuss further on 01865 238066 or email info@theoxfordeditors.co.uk.


Should I keep writing?:

We often get new writers who are unsure if they should devote the blood, sweat and tears in an otherwise busy life to a book, play or

film. This service helps them at the very start to focus on their objectives and the real potential of their ideas with the help of an

experienced, professional writer.

Fee: £350

Please don’t hesitate to call to discuss.


Personalised writing courses:


£500 for 6 months.

£1,000 for 12 months.

One-to-one via Zoom:

£1,500 for 6 months.

£3,00 for a year



Let us write your life story for publication or just to hand down to the family.

The average 60,000 word memoir, written through interviews, costs in the region of £5,000 – £15,000.

Fees are calculated according to the length of the text, the number of interviews and the number of photos:

Please contact us to discuss.


Poetry review:

This is to help poets preparing a pamphlet for possible publication, this report will offer constructive feedback on a group of up to twenty poems.

Up to 5,000 words £400

up to 6,000 words £450


Gift Vouchers:

Give the writer in your life the gift of writing. You choose the price and we will send them a voucher to use on any of our services.


Getting Started:

At The Oxford Editors we love to hear from new writers, as well as from old friends. We will do everything in our power to ensure that you get the very best from your writing experience; our aim is to provide help and encouragement for all writers.


How to Pay:

We hope we have made our Fees page easy to use. You can pay using a debit or credit card via our website. You can pay by cheque made out to The Oxford Editors Limited and sent to our address. If it is easier for you, you can  pay by direct bank transfer – just ask us for details.

If you are in doubt please contact us through our Contacts Us page or telephone us on 01865 238066 or 01865 358737.

We are always happy to talk to you if you have any questions.

Manuscripts can be sent using our Submit Script page, or via email as a word document attachment to info@theoxfordeditors.co.uk

When submitting a manuscript please be sure to have the following details on the document:

Submit via our website or send as attachment to info@theoxfordeditors.co.uk with your name and the email address you used to contact us on.

Your postal address.

The service requested (assessment, copy editing etc.).

Any deadlines you have for the work.

Always enclose a cover letter with your manuscript, with some basic information. It would help to know your target audience, your experience, the genre you are working in, your concerns and anything else that will help us to help you.


Next steps:

Please submit your manuscript. Once we have received your manuscript and payment, we will send you an acknowledgment and then pass your work and details to the editor who best meets your requirements.

We can provide an express service with a turn-around time of 2-3 weeks at an additional cost of 50% of the original fee.


All manuscripts should be typewritten in 12 point and double-spaced. Please number the pages in order to avoid confusion.

There will be an extra charge for handwritten manuscripts or those sent by post.

We will take great care of your work, but letters have been known to be lost in the post and computers crash, so please always make sure that you have a back-up copy of your manuscript. We cannot be responsible for any loss of your work.


We love to talk:

At The Oxford Editors we are always happy to take the time to make sure we meet your needs and expectations. If in doubt about your fees or the service that best suits your needs feel free to get in touch via our Contact Us page or on info@theoxfordeditors.co.uk.

Phone us if you want to talk over your options, for more information or just to chat about whether we can help you.


Telephone us:

Telephone us for more information on:


01865 238066 or 01865 358737.

From overseas:

0044(0)1865 238066

0044(0)1865 358737


Write to us:

Suite 103,

266 Banbury Road,




International payments:

If you are based outside the UK please contact us for details on how to pay by international bank transfer.


Please see our Terms and Conditions:


“Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.”
John Steinbeck

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If you are in doubt please contact us through our Contact Us page or telephone us on 01865 238066/01865 358737 for more information
